That’s the official definition, from Anne Mataguez, secretary of YCC, who is rallying the team over there to lay on a great welcome for us next weekend. So far the forecast looks favourable, as we move into a week which will pass too quickly in trying to find time for all those things that need doing to get ready. My photo shows agreement from Napoleon's statue, which must be a good sign!
My lead picture shows the founding members of YCC in 1938; follow the link below to read a brief history of the club:
We have removed the afternoon sail from the programme on Saturday in order to give you the maximum time to relax and enjoy the day in Cherbourg, and with that in mind I offer the following as ideas:
- The Saturday market starts at around 8am (all time mentioned are local)and continues till about 2pm, depending on the weather – to get there just follow someone with a shopping bag! Everyone does their shopping there, and in the many excellent shops in the streets around the square.
- I have arranged for wine-tasting sessions at Normandie Wine Warehouse, the first of which will probably be at midday: I will need to know numbers for this.
- A boat trip round the Grande Rade with English commentary is available at 1530, for which we can get a group rate if people are interested – a great chance to find out a bit more about the history of the Breakwater and the defences of the port. Again I will need to know numbers.
- I’m offering to lead a guided tour of the old town starting from Port Chantereyne at five pm (or you can sit and read my guide on your Kindle!), including the remains of the medieval walls, the site of the castle, the old port and the Vauban fortifications.
Then at 8pm at the yacht club we all meet up with our friends for a barbecue (10 euros a head including wine) and presentation to mark the 100/75th anniversaries of our two clubs, and to confirm our ‘jumelage’, or twinning, for the future. As practice for next weekend I leave you with what Anne says on behalf of YCC:
« ...nous vous attendons avec impatience, et ferons tout pour vous accueillir chaleureusement, avec joie! »
See you there !
Steve Fraser
Responsable des habitables