Greek (Yacht) Odyssey

There are many crazy plans that come out of the IT Subcommittee, so when Andy Young casually mentioned he was setting off in a yacht to the Canaries in late October I thought nothing of it. It was only after I’d signed up then gone online to check out Biscay wind strength forecasts that the full horror of the undertaking dawned on me. I’d never seen wind vectors with four big ticks and one little tick (45 knots) before.

Meanwhile, elsewhere, there’s a group of excited sailors who have chartered the 56-foot Greek-built yacht “Athena” for the ARC transatlantic race. They’re ticking off the days until they climb on board in the heat of Las Palmas on November 17th. Our mission (and we have chosen to accept it) is to deliver the boat of their dreams in one piece, with no diced carrots in the plugholes. Tune in your browser for more updates.

Chris Hogg

Submitted on 24th October 2013