2013 is a special year for the club so we’d like to collect as many of your best photos and videos from this year as possible, before they get erased from your camera. To send in your photos and videos please use one of the following methods:
• Copy them onto a CD, DVD or USB memory stick, place in an envelope labelled “Chris Hogg – Photos” and deliver them to the club office. If you include a note with your name I will be able to return your memory stick or CD.
• Create a Dropbox folder containing your photos (see www.dropbox.com) and email the link to photos@wsc.org.uk Alternatively, use your favourite online storage site such as Google Drive, Microsoft Skydrive or Apple iCloud etc.
• Email the photos as attachments to photos@wsc.org.uk Please use the “attach file” option on your email, as some email programs compress photos.
Important! Please would you re-name your photos with something meaningful rather than leave the default name the camera created, e.g. “Rocket – First Autumn Series Race” instead of “DSC146572.JPG”
As a bonus, next year’s handbook cover photo will be chosen from the photos submitted.
Chris Hogg
Submitted on 28th October 2013