Chef Nigel Slater visits Weymouth harbour

The Club was pleased to welcome celebrity chef Nigel Slater and his production team to film from the harbourside for Nigel's forthcoming television series. Nigel was pleased to hear that our Hon. Gen. Sec. is a fan of his work!

As you can see, if the footage is used, a number of club boats will be in the foreground! A chilly north-easterly breeze did not prevent the team from making their way to the end of the Stone Pier and Nigel was particularly impressed by the view of Weymouth Bay, with our French windsurfers hard at work training.

Nigel and team were grateful for the use of the yard to unload and set up the mobile gantry, and he has agreed to make a donation to YOBs funds as well!

Steve Fraser

Submitted on 16th July 2011