Weymouth Sailing Club YOBs joined up with another group of YOBs last Friday, the Castle Cove Sailing Cadets. We were invited over by Cadet Officer, Richard Bowers and Richard White the Club Commodore.
Richard Bowers had organised a fleet of Toppers for the youngsters to race for the evening but in the event, racing wasn't what they had in mind. Each race was for packets of sweets which were placed on top of some of the buoys. This meant all rules went out the door and it became a survival of the fittest!
It was one of the most fun nights our YOBs have had on the water this year with the two local groups teaming up together and just messing about.
We must thank Castle Cove Sailing Club, all the helpers and the people who lent us their Toppers for the night. I think most of them ended up in one piece.
Philip Samways
Submitted on 25th July 2011