Friday August 25th was the last evening sailing session for the YOBs this year and again the wind was too high to go sailing, this also meant we couldn't complete our second evening of Squib racing. Although we could not sail we still managed some time on the water with plenty of capsizing practice, followed by an end of term water fight and a few scientific experiments like how many YOBs can you get into an Optimist before it sinks. It was 9 if you were interested.
Squib racing was a great success with 6 of our YOBs teaming up with 6 of our older YOBs for what was meant to be 4 races over 2 nights. Due to the weather only 2 races took place on the first evening, both won by Cory Ronayne on Inky Finger with his crew Dave McCune. On behalf of our youngsters I would like to thank all the Squib owners who gave up their time and put their boats at risk, for which I believe there were a few near misses. We hope to repeat these races next year if the owners get over the trauma of this year.
Phil Samways
Picture of Squib Class Captain and race organizer Alan McDine presenting Cory with his winning trophy.
Submitted on 1st September 2011