Seasonal Parties

commodores_punch1_2007 Commodore Melita Biggs with Terry Goldsmith and Vice Commodore Mark Bugler toast club members at the Commodore's Punch Party.  The Club has been alive with seasonal spirit.  The very successful Christmas Supper with dancing in the Longshed was followed by a Christmas lunch for the 'coffee club' members.  Still to come are the RNLI Carol Service on the harbourside on Friday 21 December, the Boxing Day Fancy Dress lunch after the Frostbite/Icebreaker Trophy Race and a New Year's Eve special menu. Many thanks to the House team for all their work.

At the Commodore's Punch Party members chose the photograph to be used on the 2008 Handbook front cover.  Read on to see the winning photograph.

mike__penny_13_copyThere were 10 photographs entered for the front cover of the Handbook including a spectular shot of the keeboat start at the Regatta, Cruiser class racing, and a collage of photographs of the cadets' very successful season in their new Fevas put together by one of the cadets Catherine Samways.  As usual the competition caused a lot of interest with some keen lobbying but the winner was declared to be this photograph of Mike and Penny Fenwick in their Squib GHOST RIDER winning the National Squib 2007 Championships in Abersoch.

Thank you for all the submissions.

Club members having a fun time at the Christmas supper Christmas supper 2007