Christmas at the club

Saturday evening witnessed ninety four members and guests squeeze in to the club for the annual Christmas party, with traditional fayre, games, music and a very special announcement.

Excellent organisation by Lynn and Ray Capp the club's new house commodores ensured the Christmas party in the club house on Saturday evening was a sell out.

It all really started on Wednesday when members turned up in atrocious weather to put up the decorations and tree, although most were tempted down with the promise of some Christmas nibbles courtesy of Lynn.

Saturday afternoon, the table layers and decorators were mobilised and the upstairs transformed into a well appointed dining area.

With revellers arriving from 1800, the bar staff were on hand to take wine orders whilst the air was filled with the sound of Christmas carols.

Pete and Alison Barlow excelled themselves in producing three hearty hot courses of food for the assembled in double quick time, meanwhile a quiz, caption competition and raffle in aid of the YOB's amused between courses.

Highlight of the evening was the announcement by a very proud Phil Samways that his daughter Michelle was engaged to be married to Sam Pascoe.

Dancing in the Longshed to the clubs own sound system and in house DJ followed, the room was decorated with thanks to the John Lewis department store Bournemouth who kindly donated their last years decorations because of the fundraising WSC does in aid of the RNLI. The raffle was drawn with various prizes which ranged from Sloe gin to cuddly toys, £105 was raised for the YOB's

Mindful of racing in the morning the dancing was curtailed to 01 30 hrs, although some party animals headed off into town.

This coming Wednesday the club hosts the Women's Institute for their Christmas party and another ninety four meals to be served by the hard working galley staff, whilst on Saturday its the commodore's punch party with the judging for next years cover photograph for the handbook.

Submitted on 12th December 2011