Prizegiving Dinner Dance 2008

mel2WSC Commodore, Melita Biggs, delivers her speech to a 180 members and guests who attended the Prizegiving and Dinner Dance at The Riviera Hotel, Bowleze Cove on Saturday 12 January.  The traditional competition, in aid of the RNLI, to guess the length of the speech, resulted in 3 correct guesses of 13 mins 34 seconds.  John Hasker won the bottle of port following a draw. 
The change of venue proved a popular choice with 80 members staying at the hotel overnight and taking advantage of the swimming pool and spa facilities. 

Highlight of the evening was the presentation of the club's trophies.  Dancing to the roadshow and local band 'The Crack' continued into the early hours.

Vice Commodore Mark Bugler said of the evening  "It was a great event. Best ever!"

To view photos taken at the event click on this link:




sue_and_josie1Sue Ives and Josie Dadd, our 'very social secretaries' who organised the successful evening.  Many thanks for all the hard work.

Prize winners pose with their trophies. prize_winners1