Following a recommendation by club member Don Conn, £417.00 sponsorship money raised from a sponsored slim by Roger Quigley and Fin McGork, members of The Dorset Folk Group was donated to the YOBs. This money was put to good use in the purchase of a set of 6 new sails for the Optimists made by Moatt Sails who gave us a very special deal.
Friday 27th April saw the first YOBs sail of the season… and what a night? With all the wind and bad weather 2 days before and 2 days after, Friday was a lovely night. Perfect to test the quality of the new sails! These nice crispy white sails demonstrated amazing improvements to the handling and control, making sailing the Optimists much easier for our younger sailors, and to one ‘older’ YOB Sam Pascoe who grew up in Optimists and could not resist folding himself in two to have another go.
Phil Samways