YOBs finally get their hands on Olympic Torch

Fridays YOBs was unusual this week because for the second time this year it wasn't blown out.
This week we had no wind at all but we did have rain, lots of rain! Still our die-hard YOBs turned out and luckily we had an important task for them.

Their job was to collect the 1948 Olympic Torch from Castle Cove Sailing Club and return it to Weymouth Sailing Club ready for it to go on display for the Keelboat Regatta.
Sailing around to Castle Cove was out of the question so we decided to do it under a power in a small flotilla. Using the club RIB, the Jaffa and thanks to Dean and Reddyhoff their RIB was on special loan to us, to join in the flotilla and ferry everyone round to CCSC.
CCSC was packed out for the evening hand-over and they made us all very welcome with food laid on for the group of drowned rats that turned up on their door step.
Some of us were better prepared than the others with Nick travelling around complete with his umbrella, we were surprised he even owned an umbrella!
Again thanks to Richard Bowers and his Cadets for making us so welcome and Richard Reddyhoff for letting us use their RIB. Also well done the YOBs who, once again, were prefect ambassadors for WSC.
First picture is of Isaac being handed the famous Torch from CCSC cadets.

Submitted on 9th July 2012