An early launch

 As you all know, Easter this year was the earliest it has been for over 95 years.  To mark the occasion and tides permitting, I used the weekend to launch as many cruisers as I could, which amounted to 30 boats being launched, 2 being repositioned, and 1 being recovered for repair.  Also, Squibs had to be re-shuffled several times and a large pile of decking had to be moved.  I would like to say a very big thank you to all of you that came to help.  Friday and Saturday were a particular challenge with strong winds sometimes gusting to gale force and beyond, but with many hands to the pumps and some excellent seamanship being shown, all was accomplished without mishap. Once again many thanks to you all, I was well impressed.

Allan Castle.(Yard Secretary)

Photo: Club members may have noticed the new look Viking for 2008, this being the result of once again many hours of sterling work carried out through the long, cold winter months mostly by the intrepid Don Cutler with additional help by Mick Keen and Tony Heathershaw.