YOBs Do Their Bit to Raise Funds

In September, you might have noticed an epic day of sailing from ‘Dawn til Dusk’. A sponsored sailing event, where non-stop sailing was undertaken in various dinghies in a relay fashion. Continuing into the evening with Squib racing. It was organised by Cadet Captain Emma Stevenson with the help of her mother (Caroline) and sister Alexandra to raise funds to be split equally between the Will Mackaness Trust and our own YOBs. A staggering £1,000 was raised by the youngsters, with the generous sponsorship from family, friends and club members. Emma said she was pleased to be able to put something back into areas she has benefited greatly from.
Cheques of £500 each were presented to Phil and Daphne Samways and Mrs Pam Govier who set up the trust in memory of her son, after he died of a brain tumour four years ago aged only 16. The Trust aims to give as many young people as possible the opportunity to experience the thrill of water activities by providing financial support and assistance.
A big thanks to everyone involved in the event especially the helpers on the water and Ewan McNair for organising the volunteer safety cover for the day.

Submitted on 1st November 2012