Club Rocks the Pavilion

Kathy presents She with the Vincent Shield

Club members, friends and honoured guests packed into the Ocean Rooms of the troubled Pavilion complex to celebrate the previous years sailing and looked forward to the centenary year.

One hundred and fifty (50% up on last years numbers) of us enjoyed the occasion that welcomed not only the Mayor of Weymouth and Portland, Richard Bowers Castle Cove commodore and Helen Sargent, wife of Andy Sargent Weymouth lifeboat coxswain but Stephen 'Sparky' Parks OBE team GB Olympic sailing team manager.

After settling down to a hearty feast, the commodore Kathy Claydon spoke of the clubs history and also looked forward to the future, she also thanked the organisers of the event and was amazed at the value for money, pointing out that JOG functions are nearly double the price and RORC events four times the amount.

After the prize giving, awards were handed out, She Taylor was awarded the Vincent shield for her contribution to the club over the past 14 years as club secretary. Geoff and Val Warren won the Whitaker trophy. A total of £2013-00 was raised in the previous year by club members for the Weymouth lifeboat, a giant cheque was presented to Helen and Karl Sargent.

It was then time for the club to become a recipient of awards. Sparky presented club representatives with a signed framed photograph from the whole of the GB sailing Olympic and Paralympic teams and thanked the club for helping make the whole event such a success for team GB. He then presented the club on behalf of the RYA with RYA Volvo championship status, this is in recognition of the work it does in instructing youth sailors and the input from parents and adults in helping with their structured training.

Alice Perrett as YOB's captain accepted the award along with Andy Young (dinghy class captain) and Nick Frampton (YOB's helper.) Andy Young pointed out that the award was the hard work of Caroline Cheeseman, mum of Emma Stevenson who had applied for the recognition and ensured that the club complied.

With official business out of the way entertainment was supplied by the ten piece band Omega Project whilst the disco was in the capable hands of Chris Hogg.

Party goers also had the chance to view the merchandise that will be available this year to celebrate the centenary, more of that elsewhere.

All pictures by Ray Capp

Submitted on 27th January 2013