Jon Stevens writes from Pelican

pelicanIts been going well onboard The Pelican so far despite being so short handed
for the first part of the trip. The new crew onboard for the voyage back to
the UK are getting on very well and have learnt the ropes pretty quickly.
Its been a good start to the return trip, had a month sailing from St Lucia
up to St Maarten, lots of beach BBQs and swimming! The 7day sail to Bermuda
was fair uneventful with light winds for most of the passage. We ended up
spending 2 weeks in Bermuda while waiting for spare parts for the freezer to
arrive, the idea of eating tinned meat without the freezer for 3 weeks
didn't sound too appealing! It gave us all a chance to have a good look
round the island though. We left Bermuda on the 6th May, been at sea nearly
a week now! A couple of nights ago The Pelican really spread her wings
sailing along at 10knots (a new top speed for her) in 30knots of wind,
driving rain and lightning that lit up the whole ship destroying everyone's
night vision.
 Everyone has just about adjusted to life onboard doing a long
ocean passage and found their sea legs, Most of the voyage crew are taking
part in the RYA theory courses we run onboard while at sea which they seem
to be enjoying. There is also a quiz planned for tonight with all 4 watches
and the crew.

As I write we are sailing very comfortably at 8 knots over at about
20degrees, we have about 1200 miles to go until we reach the Azores so
hopefully another 10days. If all goes to plan we are aiming to arrive in
Weymouth Sunday 8th June at 11:00am