Weekend news

Club members have had a diverse selection of activities this weekend.  A working party headed by Peter Staff with Steve Pitman, Mark Bugler and others replaced the footropes on the Cove moorings on Sunday morning. All went well and all the footropes have now been replaced. This has made it easier to access the inner moorings as the lines of moorings no longer bow together to such an extent.  Many thanks to all the helpers.

A report from Wild Child, one of several WSC boats who took part in the Round the Island Race

‘Wild Child’ crept out of Cowes in good time for her start under a cloudy sky with 15knots from the west, only to see some very expensive repairs coming back in already – Atomic’s carbon mast. someone else’s pulpit – it was clearly going to be that kind of day. A brisk beat up towards the Needles among the J109s, with a jib peel to a No 3 as the breeze picked up; a close rounding very near the lighthouse, followed by an increasingly exciting sleigh-ride under spinnaker down to St Catherine’s against the tide but with a breeze which cleared the sky and went up to around 25 knots, resulting in lumpy seas and lots of wild broaching and burst kites all around us. We lost a sheet at St Catherine’s, and took a moment to recover the situation with a quick drop, then dropped and re-hoisted rather than gybe just beyond the headland, and surfed down towards Bembridge, reaching 13.5 knots over the ground on occasion. Keeping inshore on the leg up the forts, and then close in to Ryde sands, paid off as the wind was quite free off the land, and we finished in 7hrs 18 mins, achieving 8th in class, out of 49.

If you are doing anything that would interest other members, please let the editor know.