2008 Henri Lloyd Weymouth Regatta

MGs battle it out - PY1 winners Oppertune, picture taken from TearawayMany thanks to all the sponsors of the 2008 Henri-Lloyd Regatta who helped to make this year's event a great success.

Thanks also go Frank and Jeni Newton on 'Sorebones' did a superb job running the keelboat racing with help from Catherine, Peter, Malcom and Irene plus the on-water mark layers and ashore team.  


After a very windy week, which caused immense frustration for the J24 Nationals (YCW) and Moth Worlds (WPNSA) as most of the week's racing was cancelled due to gale force winds, the end of the week proved sailable (just!).  Thursday and Friday were F5 gusting F7 but Saturday and Sunday easy to a F4 gusting F6.

Visitors struggled to arrive from the east as brisk sou'westerlies made their trip difficult.

Henri-Lloyd Weymouth Regatta Results

Class Winners

IRC1  Wild Child 
PY1  Oppertune 
IRC2 Odile 
PY2 Ella 
Sigma 33 Workout 
Squib  Last Gasp 
NoSpi  Nickel Coin