Article from Harbour News

Centenary of World War 1 - Signalling at Sea

On the occasion of the Centenary of World War 1 and to call attention to the threatened underwater cultural heritage of that conflict, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) calls on all vessels at sea to use commemorative signalling by half-masting of the ship’s flags or ensigns on 28th June 2014.

Ships in harbour are encouraged to use a remembrance sound signal on the same day at 6 pm local, 1800 BST (1900 CET, 1700 GMT) (hour of the first shot fired in the conflict) to commemorate the Centenary. These symbolic actions serve to call for peace and reconciliation, remember the victims that perished in the war and will remind of the need to protect the underwater cultural heritage from that period.
The signalling will occur at the same time as a Scientific Conference and Commemorative Event on the Underwater Cultural Heritage from World War 1 taking place on 26 – 28 June 2014 and as a Special Dive for Peace Day inviting the public to responsibly access submerged heritage from WW1. More details can be found on the UNESCO website.
Weymouth Harbour is supportive of this request and encourages all vessels alongside in the port at this time to sound One Prolonged Blast at the above time – 1800 BST on 28th June 2014 to indicate mourning, in remembrance of the Centenary, if they wish.

Submitted on 27th June 2014