Rear Admiral's Cup Final Race

admirals__cupThe fourth and final race of the Rear Admiral’s Cup was sailed on Sunday 7th September.  Teams from three local clubs – Royal Dorset, Castle Cove and Weymouth Sailing Club – took part.   Royal Dorset’s team of Mojo, Snow Goose and Merrywake II emerged as the overall winners with Weymouth second. Considering the appalling summer we have had, the weather was not bad and competitors enjoyed a good westerly breeze of up to 22 knots and, blessing from heaven, no rain.  Mojo proved just how fast a J/120 can go on two close spinnaker reaches, pulling out an unassailable lead by the time the teams arrived at Arish Mell, via Shambles.  After that there was a hard slog home via Ringstead and the Noise Range buoy (G), with Mojo and Snow Goose securing first and second places. It was a great day, but not without incident.  Mistress, sailing for Castle Cove, shredded her spinnaker and Scoline proved that Dynema ropes are not all they are cracked up to be – her spinnaker guy parted in spectacular fashion.  Nothing too serious though and all boats finished the race safely. The teams have greatly enjoyed this first Rear Admiral’s Cup and wish to thank John Croydon for dreaming up the idea and donating the trophy.  Soon it will be time to think about next year’s team and to plot our revenge on the Dorset.

Photo: Weymouth crews relax on the deck after sailing.    Results: Rear Admiral Cup 2008