Prizegiving Dinner Dance

Weymouth Sailing Club annual Prizegiving Dinner Dance was held on Saturday 17 January 2009 at the Riviera Hotel Weymouth.  175 members and guests enjoyed an excellent meal followed by the handing out of trophies and dancing to 'The Crack'.  melita_speach

Commodore WSC Melita Biggs made a speech with a summing up of the year's sailing and thanked particulary Sue Ives and Josie Dadd for organising the evening and Sue Stow and Catherine Jacobs for collecting and sorting out the trophies.  Traditionally there is a competition to guess the length of the speech.  This year's winner was Mark Champion, crew on Saskia VI, who correctly guessed 11 mins 24 seconds.  Proceeds of £181 are donated to RNLI.

Many members stayed overnight at the hotel and took advantage of the swimming pool and other facilities on offer.  Guests at the dinner were the Mayor and Mayoress of Weymouth and Portland Tim Munroe and Alison Cocks, Commodore RDYC Gareth Peaston and Linda Peaston, Commodore CCSC Sara Lloyd and David Lloyd, Royal Naval Sailing Association Richard Stevens and Jenny Stevens and Coxswain Weymouth Lifeboat Andrew Sargent and Helen Sargent.

Photographs from the Riviera can be found at