Mooring chain

Did you ever wonder where the Club's ground chains come from?studland_chain 

Well it's the used chain from the Studland ferry - yes, it's that stuff that you see lying by the side of the road by Studland Beach.

Messrs Brookman and Pitman negotiated with the ferry company and purchased the chain at a fraction of the cost of new.  Problem?  Delivery not included.

A team set off on Friday 29 January on a very windy cold day and with sand blowing up in their faces cut the chain into the correct lengths to bring back to Weymouth.  Special thanks to Harold Doonan for his lorry and crane to do the job. studland_chain_2

There are many advantages to being on a harbourside but a downside is not being able to get a lorry with its load to the Club's yard.  The cut lengths of chain had to be craned from the lorry onto a smaller vehicle and then using the Club crane lifted onto pallets to transport into the yard.

Each section of chain weighed approx 1.5 tonnes - 9 sections in total. 

Many thanks to Steve Pitman, Vernon Taylor and John Harvey who did the trip to Studland and to Mike Keen and Tony Heathershaw who helped in Weymouth.