RYA First Aid Course

 On Saturday 31 January, 12 members of our club took part in an RYA First Aid Course. The course was run by Tony Wood our local Onboard man who also happens to be a paramedic.


Tony managed to cover all areas needed to pass this course using his professional knowledge & past experiences, even though he had a crowd that could have passed for one of his Onboard training days.
 We would like to thank Steve Dadd for his input & maybe he could run over some of the jokes I didn't understand another time.
We had 4 members of our safety boat team doing their First Aid so please could we have some real emergencies on the water this year, they need to practice. So no more broken rudders, we want broken bones. There were also 4 YOBS helpers, so look out kids, practice makes perfect.
Mike Stagg our House Commodore was on the course & I do feel sorry for him, Sunday afternoon stood in the club trying to decide who's passed out ,who's asleep & who needs CPR, sometimes its difficult to tell!
From all the people on the course, we would like to thank Tony for an interesting & enjoyable day .Tony will also be back in the club on the 13th March to give the Yobs some basic First Aid knowledge.
Phil Samways YOB (Youths on Boats) Coordinator