Cruiser Class Dinner


This year's Cruiser Class dinner enjoyed the company of three outstanding sailors whose disciplines were at opposite ends of the sailing spectrum. Two times Olympic Gold medalist Sarah Dempsey (Yingling,) husband Nick Olympic bronze medal winner (RS-X windsurfer) and Henry Adams a twenty four year old who took a year out to sail his Folkboat to the Carribean and back, graced the top table.

After the meal Steve Fraser introduced Henry to the floor; he gave us a brief insight to the damp and cramped world of cruising in a Folkboat.  Sarah and Nick then held a question and answer session and drew the raffle with prizes from Bussels.

Steve Fraser then informed the floor that Sarah and Nick had kindly donated two trophies to the club for the YOB's and following a carefully rehearsed introduction from Nick, Sarah presented Steve Fraser with the Peregrine Cup, the Commodores Award for outstanding service to the club. The raffle covered the costs of the evening and the surplus of £60 was donated to Sarah's charity Menegitis UK of which she is patron. The cheque was presented by Josie Dadd to Sarah later in the week.