Club gets Oppies

The YOBs (Youth On Boats) have just taken delivery of 6 fully equipped Optimist dinghies.  The dinghies are ex-Sea Cadet Boats in first class condition with a road trailer which is also capable of carrying four Fevas.yobs_oppy_2_presentation
They were purchased from the YOBs own funds which have been accumulated from various fund raisers carried out during the year including the winter raffles which are so well supported by Club Members. Club Commodore Melita Biggs handed over the cheque to Sea Cadets representative James Shuttleworth at a small ceremony last Friday evening.
The boats will be used by our younger sailors to give them experience and confidence in single-handed sailing.
This now gives the Club a fleet of 14 dinghies to utilise on Friday evenings for the ever growing young membership of the club, to help them learn to sail and then race with confidence.yobs_oppy_1
Unfortunately the dinghies do not have launching trolleys and several generous Club Members have offered to sponsor a trolley for the privilege of being able to name a boat, and we would like to thank them for their support. 
The boats will be in use for the first time Friday 8th May, which will make the yard even more busy than usual on a YOB night.