Burns Night Supper now booking

Burns Night at WSC

Following on from last year's low-key inaugural event, we are pleased to announce that we will be hosting another Burns Night supper on Saturday 23rd January in the club.

Starting at 1900, everyone will be presented with a corsage before being led to the appropriately dressed table to the sound of bagpipes.

Starters will be a salmon tian, then, a tower of haggis, neeps and tatties with a whisky cream sauce and, for dessert, Scotch mist followed by coffee and mints.

Fear not - there will also be a vegetarian option available!

We plan to restrict numbers to 30, priced at £16 per head; please contact galley@wsc.org.uk to reserve your seat. Payment will be taken on the night.

Submitted on 4th January 2016