Good luck in the Fastnet

Weymouth boats are setting sail on the challenging 605 mile Rolex Fastnet Race leaving from Cowes midday on Sunday. kay_and_kevin_1

Draig O'r Mor with Kay and Kevin Stibbs with their complete crew of Weymouth sailors are to enter the race for the first time.  Draig O'r Mor has done well in the run up qualifying races, coming fifth in the Eddystone Roack race and is hoping to get a good pos2009alderneycruise_083ition in The Fastnet.

Also racing will be WSC members Kathy Claydon and Alan Glover in the 37ft Arcona 'Arcsine'.  Kathy is a regular competitor in the Junior Offshore Group (JOG) group and has sailed the Fastnet on previous years - winning her class in the two-handed class in a Contessa 32 in 2003.   This year she is racing in Class 2 IRC.

Very good luck to the Weymouth boats. Watch their progress live on