YOBs picnic


Sunday 2nd August - The YOBs held their now annual picnic on Redcliff beach, on what started out as a warm, sunny, light wind day, which was a real surprise after the weather we have seen lately. The YOBs sailed their dinghies across followed by the adults in their dinghies, overseen by Richard and Ron Groves in the safety boats.
We were also joined by a large amount of club cruisers, who helped ship parents and some of the younger children to the beach.
After anchoring all the boats the whistle was blown and most of the youngsters swam to shore with the less adventurous adults being transported on rubber dinghies. 
On the beach after picnics were eaten, Michelle Samways took control of the games (or tried to) with the tug of war being the most popular.  It was difficult to know which team won the games as there was too much cheating going on!yobs_swimming
The wind picked up in the afternoon to over 20 knots so the younger YOBs had to be spread out on to the cruisers and their dinghies towed back.
A few of the older YOBs sailed back across the bay without incidents .
Thanks to all the helpers, safety boat drivers and crews for making it another successful event plus all the keel boat owners who got all the youngsters and boats safely home.