Ringstead BBQ- Members Fry

The Squib class held its annual Ringstead Race and beach BBQ last Sunday. The Squibs were escorted by a fleet of ten cruisers, Sirius, the club RIB and a Feva !

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The large fleet anchored in perfect conditions just metres off the beach at the north end of Ringstead, sometimes known locally as “Burning Cliff”. Thanks to Steve Rawson and Kirsty Lydeard in the club RIB and strategic use of Saskia’s tender members were safely ferried to the beach, and thanks also to Euan in Sirius for assisting in ferrying members back to their boats.

Disposable BBQs were supplied by Rob Hawes and everyone ate their fill of sausages, burgers and kebabs. However with temperatures of 25c plus it was not just the meat that fried!

Entertainment was provided by many paragliders who soared aloft on the gentle thermal breeze but those who strayed too close to the cliff lost their lift and were forced to land on the beach with a long climb back to the carpark.

However there was also alternative entertainment as members and cadets tried out the stand-up paddle boats brought over by Pauline and Andy. Some of our younger members took to this new sport literally like ducks to water. In particular Adam Rushton showed how it should be done! Less skill was shown by adult members most for whom were unable to master the stand-up bit of the stand-up paddle board sport.

The Squib race was closely fought; on the leg to Ringstead two boats opted for the offshore gybe while the other two favoured the coast. However it was Patrick and Rob in Inquisition that came out on top, making the most of the offshore breeze. They were closely followed by Aldebaran, White Knuckles and Iceni Rebel.

The race back was equally tight with Celia and Iain in Aldebaran this time getter the better of Inquisition in a dying breeze.

Members with some energy left retired to the club for a final drink and prize giving where Inquisition and Aldebaran shared the trophy.

For those of you who could not make it we will be running the BBQ again next year, so make it a date in your diary.

Mark Bugler, Saskia VII

Submitted on 18th July 2016