RYA Day Skipper course success

Making use of the long winter evenings, twelve members of WSC have successfully completed their RYA Day Skipper shore-based course. This is a sailing theory course to equip aspiring yacht skippers with the knowledge to sail inshore passages safely.

Ex-commodore Kathy Claydon taught the course, and with over 100,000 nautical miles under her belt she was able to share her huge experience with the class. There were 40 hours of tuition plus two final exam papers, covering a wide range of subjects from the basics of seamanship to navigation and electronic chart plotters.

Kathy said, “The Day Skipper course provides an excellent theory foundation for those who want to skipper a boat in familiar waters, which is the kind of sailing many of our members enjoy. I’m proud of the class for the hard work they put in to achieve their qualifications.”

The follow-on from the Day Skipper shore-based course is the practical course that requires five days at sea under supervision, plus a four-hour night sail.

Weymouth Sailing Club also offers members the more advanced RYA Yachtmaster theory course, as well as RYA dinghy sailing qualifications.

The photo shows successful course members with their tutor Kathy Claydon (centre) and club commodore Euan McNair (second from right).

Submitted on 2nd March 2018