Members support club
Even though the sailing season has come to a temporary halt the club has been chock-a-block with members. A Quiz Night organised by Lynn and Ray Capp on Thurs 21 January saw a turnout of 60 members forming teams to compete in a very closely fought competition. This very successful evening will be repeated on Thurs 18 Feb and 25 March. Details will be sent out later.
Photo: The Commodore Mark Bugler gets stuck in at the Maintenance and Decorating weekend - see Read More
A bright and dry weekend allowed for all the planned tasks, plus some extras, to be achieved and we were still finished by Sunday lunch time.
Phil Samways and Steve Dadd led the decorating teams in the club house which witnessed about forty volunteers decorating the walls and woodwork upstairs whilst the hall stairs and landings received a good lick of paint all over. Both the Ladies and Gents were transformed from their rather drab colours into a refreshing bright white.
Outside, the ship lap adjacent to the decking received a number of coats of Sadolin, whilst the wooden benches and tables were pressured washed and painted as necessary. The chance was also taken to clear out around the work benches and paint the walls, plus freshen up the yellow hatching along side the building. The doors on the mast store were also treated to a new coat of paint.
The boatswains store was cleared out, under the watchful eye of Mike Jury, allowing the moorings locker and equipment to be removed from the Long Shed and put in its rightful place.
Daphne Samways kept everyone topped up with tea and coffee and ensured that the pasties were served at the right temperature.
Special mention must go to the YoB's who work very hard in decorating the Ladies and achieved great results, these kids are certainly an asset to the club, hopefully it wont be too long before they are antifouling our boats!