Cruiser Class Dinner


The club was packed to the rafters for the annual cruiser class dinner, which played host to two specials guests Gary Fookes, Atlantic rower and Steve White circumnavigating yachtsman.

After tucking into a massive six course meal prepared and presented by Alison and Pete in the galley, Gary Fookes delivered a highly amusing talk on his endeavours to construct an Atlantic class rowing boat and row it across to the Caribbean, plus his sailing exploits in the Mediterranean and his part in the Olympic delivery on which he has promised to come back to the club and give a presentation to members when things are firmed up.


A successful raffle was held, thanks to the good offices of Bussells and Barford Sails who supplied the prizes at cost or less, £100 was raised for the Chesil Trust, the chosen local charity by the guests.

Steve White then held a question and answer session which gave an insight into the world of formula 1 sailing, boat preparation and repairs whilst at sea plus, the exhilaration of hanging on at over 30 knots........ and his fear of failure.two_men_fighting_over_the_last_sheet_of_toilet_paper

With Steve sitting down just before midnight to rapturous applause, class members are already asking about next years function.