A message from TS Pelican

pelicanWSC club member Jon Stevens is aboard TS Pelican on her maiden voyage to the Caribbean.  He has sent this message to the Club from the end of the second stage to Tenerife.

Update received from Jon 18.10.07  "We arrived in Tenerife this morning, had a great sail from Lisbon and Porto Santo 25 knots of wind right behind us and sunshine all the way here!  We have a few final things onboard to sort out and get provisions before we leave for Barbados on Sunday. It should take about 3-4 weeks to cross the Atlantic."

Jon will be well known to most Club members as being one of the intrepid duo (more recently likely to be a trio since Jessica Dadd has joined the crew) who sail DESTINO.

 Good luck to Jon and the crew of TS Pelican as they head off across the Atlantic.
