The Ship's Hat

deoThe Squib Class don’t take their class dinners quite as seriously as the Cruiser class!  alan


This year 72 sailors and friends joined in an evening with the theme of ‘The Ship’s Hat (not the Ship’s Cat!)’.  Squibbers joined in with enthusiasm and arrived in a marvellous array of nautical headgear.


After a superb meal during which there was a Hat Quiz – only one table, John Croydon’s, got all the questions right – there was a presentation of trophies by class captain Simon Vines and Commodore Mark Bugler.







The evening continued with a challenge to create the best Ship’s Cat out of an array of paper and sticks.  Amazing ingenuity produced a wonderful selection of felines.  A pink glitter cowboy hat was presented to the winning table headed by Paul Withers.


The Squib fleet enjoyed a wonderful evening get-together reminiscing over past racing and looking forward to a good season to come.uss_hussy