Weymouth Library Writer-in Residence seeking support.

“Poet Sarah Acton is Weymouth Library’s new writer-in-residence. From January to March Sarah will be working at the library and with local communities on an exciting new project to explore the theme of ‘Weymouth-on-Sea’.

In this community project, Sarah will be asking anyone in Weymouth who enjoys/works and has affinity with the sea and shoreline of the town to record a brief interview to talk about their own memories and reflections for her to create a group poem weaving many voices together to give a snapshot perspective of life by the seaside in Weymouth today. This will be displayed in the library at the end of March.

Also as part of Weymouth-on-Sea, Sarah is setting up an interactive ‘writer’s corner’ area in the library which is open to the public throughout the residency period to offer inspiration for people to and write their own words - with books, images and quotes ready to spark the imagination, and writing materials too. Sarah is hoping that library visitors might leave her a ‘poem on a postcard’ when visiting the area to include in the display.

There are also reading cafes, 1:1 mentoring slots and free workshops offered at the library throughout the residency.

Sarah would like to ask any members of Weymouth Sailing Club to get in touch with her if they are interested to get involved in the project, find out more, or just say hello. She is at Weymouth Library in January on Monday 7th, Tuesday 15th, Tuesday 22nd Thursday 31st, plus research days and many further days in February and March.

If anyone has any old charts or photos that she can borrow or donate to display in ‘writer’s corner’ to give a taste of Weymouth-on-Sea, this would also be much appreciated!

Sarah lives in Beer and teaches creative writing and poetry and nature to many communities including schools, museums and memory cafes. She has three poetry pamphlets published, and is working on a full collection. Projects follow her own exploration, writing practice and passion for into stone, sea, and the ever shifting Jurassic coastline.

Sarah has previously enjoyed dinghy sailing, and sailed in the 2004-5 Global Challenge round the world yacht race, but has not sailed much since this experience! She rows for Lyme Regis Gig Club.

Please contact Sarah by email: blackvenpress@gmail.com

or through the library website


or twitter


Submitted on 5th January 2019