Royal Navy in Dorset

Royal Navy in Dorset
by Stuart Morris
Join us to continue the winter talks programme at the club on Friday 22nd February 7.30pm
Stuart tells the story of Dorset's maritime involvement from Henry VIII's time, through the Armada and Dutch battles off Portland. Confronting France, Trafalgar, sail to steam, the ironclads. The Formation of Portland Harbour and breakwaters, the advent of torpedoes. The first flight from a moving ship, the First World War WW1 and the early 20th century.
All this history on our door step.
The Galley will be open for Food between 6pm - 7pm where Amanda will be offering Cottage Pie with Vegetables or Vegetable Lasagne with chips and salad garnish for £6.00 per contact to book your food ....

Submitted on 12th February 2019