Just another Saturday in March at Weymouth Sailing Club - or was it?

Rear Commodore (Moorings and Yard) Nick Munson had gathered a team of club members together to start the preparation works for laying the new moorings off the rowing clubs pontoon.

In our new lease, we have surrendered the shallower trots closer to the rowing club in return for moorings further out into the river, which are deeper.

As part of our lease we have to supply, lay and maintain our moorings. This has always been the case.

Lengths of huge mooring chain, formerly of Sandbanks ferry, are laid on the sea bed, shackled at each end to old railway wheels. This forms the ground tackle, off which come the risers, made of slightly smaller chain and connected to the boat owners' strops. These are held in pairs with a spliced line with a buoy attached, which is the pick up line.

All exciting stuff, very dirty, heavy and thought-provoking work.

So, back to Saturday. This was spent prepping the riser chains (a short video is available on the club's Facebook site), testing our flotation system for getting the chains and wagon wheels into position and marking out on the sea bed where the ground tackle will be laid. Don't ask!

Meanwhile in a dark, damp corner of Hooker's Dock, Richard Woof was beavering away on Viking III. Working under tarpaulins, Richard has cut out and replaced the rotten working deck.

In the club house, the rowing club were holding a new members' day with lots of cake and coffee, and Amanda was in the galley serving up bacon and sausage sandwiches with a smile.

Those who work in the yard hauling chains around like bacon sandwiches and cake.

When the work outside was completed the new big screen was set up. John Arnold, Rear Commodore(House), has assembled a team of volunteers with electrical and IT skills and utilising equipment already in house, we can now enjoy watching sport, dancing etc on a huge screen.

Without the input of club members making these things happen, they most probably would not happen or would cost the club many thousands of pounds, which in turn would be reflected in the membership and mooring fees.

So thank you, to all of you who help keep the club going and improving.

Submitted on 10th March 2019