Champagne conditions for the Rear Admiral's Cup

Red Team winnersGrand Surprises chasing an Osprey

Fantastic conditions for the Rear Admiral's Cup ... the sea breeze had set in by late morning resulting in a veering S-SW F4+ with a flat seas and blue sky.

The day started with a briefing at the Club followed by selection for the two teams. The new format involved 3 short pursuit races for dinghies, squibs and yachts.

Match racing tactics on each start line were followed by pursuit race and team tactics as the faster boats approached the slower boats and the finish time.

An excellent BBQ on the decking was enjoyed by competitors together with the Rowing Club.

The prestigious Rear Admiral's Cup, donated by RAdm John Croydon, was awarded to Red Team overall winner Terry Curtis and Peter Greig who sailed Osprey "Plan B".

The format proved to be a great success and we hope to build on this for next year.

Many thanks to Mairi, Adrian, Allan, Adam, Roger and Steve on the race team who set excellent windward leeward courses for each race.

Race format

Submitted on 7th July 2019