Sunny Day Sailing

If you had been asked twelve months ago what Covid 19 was, your likely answer would have been is that a clinker built day boat?

Unfortunately we all know about the above named virus and are getting to grips with the new normal and all the encumbrance it entails.

The club has managed to organise a limited racing programme and this has been heartily taken up by members.

Sunday the 2nd of August was no exception, Squibs, and IRC class 3,4 and 5 lined up for their respective starts in almost perfect conditions, sunshine, blue sky, 14 knot steady breeze from the WSW.

The race team set standard Olympic courses and starting on time settled down to watch the racing and cultivate their tans from the comfort of Viking III.

Richard Woof on Jo 90 raced ahead in the class 3's whilst Effusion lead the class 4's round. Squib class captain Jim Mitchel was no slouch on the clubs own Squib Artful Dodger with Jim Chalmers on the helm.

Racing was close in the class 4's with a very busy bottom mark on the last run, even Squib Iceni Rebel joined in.

The results of the days racing and all the races can be found here:

For those who find racing a little too hot, then Ray is organising cruising to local ports, for more info click on the WSC cruising button on the home page of the website.

If we manage to dodge a second spike of our unwelcome Chinese visitor, the racing programme will be extended further into the Autumn with a Sunday series, plus don't forget there is still the Weymouth Regatta to look forward to.

Submitted on 3rd August 2020