Youth on Boats - August Update

August has been another busy month for the Youth sailors of the club. The wind conditions have enabled the youngsters to practice their capsizing and turtling techniques, whilst engaging in competitive games of sea rugby and football. The lighter wind conditions also enabled our less experienced sailors to helm the Fevas, under instruction from our longer serving members.

With a rapidly increasing waiting list for new members wanting to join Youth on Boats, a second Pico has been bought to increase the capacity of sailing opportunities.The Opis continue to be used by our novice dinghy sailors as a safe introduction to getting on the sea. As ever, Steve Staple has led by example this month and demonstrated to us all that it is never too late to learn to dinghy sail in an Opi!

The annual Fancy Dress night was a great success, attracting more attention than usual as the session that evening was shore based due to high winds. Ruby did a fabulous job running the session by teaching points to all levels of sailors from the RYA Sailing Scheme checklist. It is our intention that every club sailor who attends YOBs will work their way up through the scheme so that they have a sound understanding of sailing theory.

Submitted on 25th August 2020