That irresistible G-force...

Opening up the downwind legTaking the offshore option out to G'Tilted' basking in the sunshine before the raceAndy and Justin set the courses for the morning

Glorious sunshine, a moderate northerly breeze and neap tides made up the setting for Sunday’s race, in which an encouraging total of 24 boats competed in three classes. Weymouth bay never ceases to demonstrate just how perfect its racing conditions can be!

While the Squibs and IRC 4 sailed in the bay, the race team of Andy and Justin Campbell-Watson decided that G was the ideal leeward mark for Class 3, with a bit of a slalom down from C via X and F. We seem to have got more use out of G this year than in any other!

With positions changing slightly on the run down from F as boats explored different options, and then as the wind dropped a bit on the beat back up to the finish at X, it was possible to conclude that to approach the breakwater in either direction was not a winning option, and staying in the main wind corridor well off Chequers paid in both directions.

A big thank-you to Andy and Justin for an excellent morning’s racing, the ideal way of building an appetite for lunch at the club on the terrace!

Steve Fraser

Submitted on 12th October 2020