Ringstead BBQ Sunday 4th September

The Club is organising the annual Ringstead BBQ next Sunday (4th September). There will be a race there and back for Squibs while cruisers and motor boats are invited to escort the fleet. Everyone is welcome to join what is very much a family event. Club boats are welcome to participate in this event and can be booked out using the usual procedures.
We will anchor off the south end of Ringstead beach by “Burning Cliff”.

The club rib will be on hand to take everyone to the beach. Please bring your own BBQ's and means to take your rubbish home at the end of the day. There will be a briefing for Squibbers and cruiser crews at 10am sharp in the club room on Sunday morning. The race for squibs will start by X mark at approximately 10.30am.
In the event of a poor forecast I will cancel the event on Saturday evening via group email.
Saskia VII will be the committee boat.

Mark Bugler

Submitted on 25th July 2021