Bangers and cash

WSC has taken the decision to try and get back to the new normal, allowing members to dip in or out of events both sailing or social as they feel comfortable with.

Last Friday, the 5th of November, we had planned to have a bangers and mash evening in conjunction with the councils firework display.

All was good until Amanda our amazing chef went down with Covid.

However, the day was not lost as the crew of Rumrunner, with their history of catering ability, volunteered to step in and help out.

Cooking up bangers and mash with pea's and onion gravy, Josie Dadd led the team and hoped that members would turn up. She was not to be disappointed.

Long standing members, new faces and friends from the rowing club turned up in force.

Over sixty plates of bangers and mash were served up by Dan and Lyn. Profits from the event were to be channelled into the YOB's and Josie is happy to report that after all costs had been absorbed £185 was donated to our youths.

With high cloud and no breeze, members enjoyed a great firework display from the vantage point of the decking.

Once back inside they were treated with the hospitality of our rear commodore House John behind the bar and volunteers serving up liquid refreshments.

A great night out, it was almost like old times

Submitted on 8th November 2021