Kickstarting the Cruising Season with a Talks and Social Evening!

Ray presenting The Meech Barometer to David LeesNo Anchor Zone

Ray Capp, our Cruising Coordinator, welcomed a good turnout of members for the Cruising Talks and Social evening on Saturday. Among the audience it was really good to see the WSC Cruising “grand daddy” of them all, Jeremy Parkinson. Equally, it was good to see some of our newer members in attendance, all keen to be inspired!

With the new sailing season rapidly approaching it was hoped that the various talks, given by like minded cruising members, would encourage others to get out and finish those winter boat jobs and start planning some cruises of their own. Sailing seasons appear to have a nasty habit of arriving quickly upon us before we are ready, and sailing by (pun intended) far too soon!!

Ray started with an overview of Cruising with WSC last season and what to expect this season, he then presented “The Meech Barometer” trophy, awarded for special endeavour or achievement, to David Lees on Nutcracker for his single handed cross channel cruise to the Channel Islands, encountering some vicious squalls on the return leg. Ray continued with items of cruising interest such as the new Studland Bay No Anchor Zone and an update of both the UK and French Customs Reporting procedures, Kathy Claydon also provided some useful input. The Cruising web page, accessed from the WSC website homepage, will be updated regularly with all such Cruising news for 2022.

Dave Knight was next up with a very enthusiastic and interesting talk about his cruise in The Wizard to the Isles of Scilly. Dolphins, rocks and idyllic anchorages were the order of the day.

Club member Neil Montague gave a very enlightening talk on Gas Safety on Board, including some horrific stories of people's misfortunes on their boats. Neil is a “Gas Safe” registered engineer, so why not look him up in the contact list and get him to service your gas system!!!

David Lees then gave an interesting talk on the evolution of various self steering systems that had been installed on his yacht Nutcracker, he had finally found the ultimate solution consisting of some serious engineering and electronics below the stern deck that involved a contortionist to install it!!

Last but not least, Simon and Jill Vines gave an inspiring presentation about their adventures over several seasons in The Baltic aboard their yacht OJO. Magical scenery, tranquil picturesque harbours and friendly people abounded. No tides to speak of to worry about but strange unnerving currents between islands and rocks, now work that one out!!

The interesting mix of topics covered appeared to keep the audience awake, and indeed, made for some very constructive and interactive discussion. Ray concluded by thanking the speakers and a very appreciative audience for coming, it was time for cruising chit chat at the bar over a pint!

Submitted on 9th March 2022