Cruiser Class Dinner 2022

The Cruiser Class Dinner was held on Saturday 2nd April 2022. The black tie dinner went exactly to plan - which considering I didn't have much of a plan wasn't entirely surprising. This was the perfect way to celebrate the start of this year’s sailing season with the first race on Sunday 10th April. Thank you to everyone who turned up to make this such a fabulous evening!

The Galley did a superb job of feeding over 60 hungry diners so another big thank you goes out to the team for managing to pull this off so successfully. And the House team did a grand job of making sure that we all had plenty to drink as well.

Head to the WSC FaceBook group for more photos.
The trophies for the 2021 racing season were eagerly accepted by the winning skippers and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.

The sailing geek quiz - provided by the previous Cruiser Class Captain - was a hotly contested affair. The spoils went to the table with the most geeky contingent of sailors imaginable but only by a mere half point.

A lot of people came to my aid to make the evening possible. Your assistance was very much appreciated.

Submitted on 6th April 2022