Rescued youngster given confidence boosting ride.

Before sailing last weekend James Richards was given an hours experience in the Club RHIB. This was James's first return to the water since he was involved in a serious incident in Newtons Cove last June. James whilst riding upon a "ringo" had suffered a blade strike in both lower legs. It was appropriate that John Tonks organised this excursion as John took charge of the first aid at the scene.
John was safety crew with Tim Day driving RHIB Tango (Weymouth Safety was unavailable), giving cover for Saturday sailing when they were made aware of an accident in the Newtons Cove area. On arrival John boarded the vessel that had struck James and assisted with his recovery to that boat. He then took charge of the first aid effort whilst Tim established communications with Weymouth Harbour to request an ambulance and berth to land the casualty. John then supervised the transfer of James to a larger RHIB (Blue Jacket) and remained with the casualty until he was transferred to the paramedics. James was then taken to hospital where after a year he has made a full recovery.
The trip was arranged by John and James's mother Janny as a means of aiding his recovery and confidence upon the water. James enjoyed the ride and short drive and expressed an interest in possibly joining the Club.

Submitted on 4th August 2022