Saturday Dinghy sailing

It was fantastic to see so many dinghies out last Saturday. The usual suspects were joined by a number of YOBs in Fevas, a laser, a Wayfarer and an Osprey. For some of them it was their first club race and it was a bit of a shock to have so many boats on the start line jostling for space.

The weather was lovely with a warm South Westerly breeze although a bit more wind would not have gone amiss.

Race officer Kathy Claydon and her team did a good job of setting a small triangular course (total 0.4nm beat) to cater for the wide range of handicaps, ensuring that the slower boats still managed a couple of laps.

The dinghies will be sailing until the end of November so hopefully we will see a few more days like this before the season finishes.


Submitted on 12th October 2022