Don Cutler

Don Cutler, Commodore 1990-1991

We learn with sadness of the death of Don Cutler, a former Commodore and long-serving member of the club. Don sailed ‘Fenix Flyer’ with his daughter and crew Peter Luckett in his later years, and a formidable team they were on the water!

‘Fenix’ was an interesting boat – one of the first light displacement deep fin-keel cruiser racers, with an open, rounded stern and a fractional rig which made her very fast, especially upwind. I had the chance to crew with them once, and was impressed by the way Don quietly managed to get the best out of boat and crew as ‘Fenix’ showed the rest of the fleet a clean pair of heels...

Don was also for a long time an indispensable part of the yard team, and his mechanical expertise solved many problems on the hoof and kept things going from day to day. He was particularly skilled at understanding the engine of Viking I and spent a lot of time on board, coaxing it back to life in a cloud of black smoke which signified that he had worked another of his miracles! A fund of knowledge and experience of things nautical and mechanical, he was always ready with advice if asked about any problem a member might have with their boat.

A gentle, generous man with a great sense of humour, he contributed in the most self-effacing way to the club over the years; he represented what we might now call an old-fashioned, gentlemanly ideal of a club member, whose understanding of the importance of effective teamwork in a positive environment was an example to all who met him.

He will certainly be missed by those of us who had the good fortune to know him. If other members have particular memories of Don, I would be happy to add them to this tribute.

Don's funeral will take place at 10 am on 20 January at St Paul's Church, Weymouth for members who would like to attend.

Steve Fraser

Submitted on 23rd December 2022