View from the bridge

This is my second year of the traditional three years at the helm as Commodore. Since my last ‘View from the Bridge’ newsletter in March, we have enjoyed a busy season of events including:

Transmanche Race - we were pleased to host our neighbours from France again after a gap of four years.
IRC Southern Area championship in late May - another successful event for the club
Club Open Day - this opportunity to experience what the Club has to offer brought a number of new members and will be followed up in September by a New Members Evening.
Squib Nationals in late June - this major championship
was a “maximum effort” event which saw a magnificent turnout by Club members to host nearly 70 boats from around the UK and Ireland.

Whilst these major events were being hosted, the Club’s programme of traditional evening/weekend racing and club regattas has continued. This can only be done with the continued support of members volunteering to serve the Club and grateful thanks are due to those who willingly give up their valuable time.

We have had a very sociable summer too and thanks must go to everyone involved in organising the (first!) Summer Ball at Nothe Fort. Despite the cold, damp evening, everyone seemed to enjoy letting their hair down!

As commodore, I have accepted invitations to receptions at several local clubs during the summer, and was particularly pleased to represent WSC at the Castle Cove club centenary celebration in June.

Your club officers continue to work behind the scenes to ensure the smooth running of all aspects of the club. In particular the General Committee aided by the various sub committees has pushed forward a number initiatives to support and improve the infrastructure which enables the Club to continue sailing.

For example:
We now have an asset management plan incorporating a programme of preventative maintenance on yard machinery and other facilities.
Investigating improvements to the Cube pontoons and the replacement of the chain moorings with “Hippo” type moorings.
A systematic review of electrical power is being carried out within the Club, which underpins the aim of ensuring the Club’s resilience to the challenges ahead.
All of the above contributes to the review of the Club Development plan which is well underway. When completed there will be a period of consultation with Club members. (I look forward to reporting more on this in the next View from the Bridge).

May I take this opportunity to urge as many people as possible to get afloat (even in tenders!) to support the “End of Summer Regatta” on the weekend of 9/10 September.

Finally I’d like to express my personal thanks to the members of the General committee and sub committees for their continued support and commitment through busy, and sometimes challenging, times.
Yours Tim Day

Submitted on 31st August 2023