Beaujolais Nouveau Evening

p1000332Members and friends celebrated the first wines of the new 2010 season with a Beaujolais Nouveau Evening on Friday 19 November.  The clubroom was decorated with French flags and bunting and a delicious French-style menu was produced by chefs Peter and Ali Barlow and served on bistro tables.

There was a plethora of striped Breton shirts, berets, moustaches and French maids, but Peter Jackson won the best dressed Frenchman for his portrayal of a very authentic French impressionist artist.

Photo: Member Ernie Lee enjoying the evening.

the_bandMore prizes of the new wine were given out for a 'Rude French word' competition and 'Pinning the moustache on Pierre'.  Several members joined in with the spirit of the evening by recounting French theme jokes during the meal.

The partygoers were entertained by talented members Nigel Lawrence, Glenda Whitley and Paul Hare on accordian and guitar.  lesley_and_sheMembers didn't need much encouragement to sing along to the music and join in with musical instruments.

Many thanks to Jim and Annie Chalmers and She and Vernon Taylor who organised the evening.

Photo:  Lesley Harvey tests out the accordian.