YOBs Bingo

yobs_bingo Yet again the YOB's volunteers have organised a successful fundraising event. After postponement due to icy and snowy weather in December we wondered if people would venture out in yet another cold evening to the annual fundraising prize BINGO at the Centenary Club run by Sylvia Spavins (my grandmother). And yet again the kids, parents, friends and Centenary Club members turned up for a few hours of ‘Eyes Down’ with a mid-game raffle.

Photo Phil and Daphne Samways with YOBs captain Alice Perrett 

Thanks to lots of local companies and club members we had some fantastic prizes, from a Magnum of Mumm Champagne to butcher's meat vouchers, a meal for 2 at the Boat that Rocks, toiletries and chocolates... Although, yet again the second donated Meerkat was one of the most popular raffle prizes. (all thanks to Mark's inspirational speech to the Kids!)  Tom Wells had a fantastic night and seemed to not only win most the raffle prizes but also had quite a lucky streak on the BINGO.Alice Perrett went about taking on her first duty of this Year's YOB captain and decided to raise some money between the kids and parents who benefit from Youth On Boats, to thank Phil and Daphne Samways for the time and effort they have put into funding raising, building the group and the dinghy fleet for the past 6 years. Alice surprised them with bottle each and some flowers which were presented to them on the night.At the end of the night it was announced that, in total, we raised £408 from this event. This is going towards a 420 dinghy for the YOBs which is currently in Monkey Marine’s workshop having all its rigging fitted.

Thank you to everyone who donated a prize towards the BINGO and if you missed it this year, there’s always next year!


We would like to thank everyone who donated to our presentation which just happened to consist of our favourite drinks and Daf's favourite flowers.  It was very thoughtfula and we were very 'touched'.. And a special thanks you must go to Michelle since she was responsible for threatening sorry I mean persuading local businesses to donate at least 80% of the Bingo prizes

Michelle Samways